Thursday, 24 March 2011

Microsoft rolls out Bing mobile updates for IOS and Android users

Search OPERATOR Microsoft has revealed large patches of Bing mobile website, although Windows 7 Phone (WP7) users must wait to see the benefits.
Microsoft Wednesday rolled out some updates to the Bing for Mobile browser service including real-time public transport updates for selected cities and the inclusion of the apps in results for searches on the iPhone.
Microsoft says that updates to Bing for mobile phones is better and faster image search, real-time transit information and use and HTML5 to do it.
Most of the updates available for iPhone and Android users, but not Microsoft's own Windows 7 Phone customers.
The only problem is, the version of Internet Explorer included with WP7 not support HTML5, then just IOS Android and smartphones can use the latest version of Bing mobile.
That's because services are built with HTML 5, as Windows 7 Phone does not support yet.
With this overhaul, Microsoft is trying to make Bing a portal for smartphone users, not only search, but information, weather, shopping tips, film information and an application search facility.
The company has promised an update later this year that will include an HTML 5 browser for Windows 7 Phone devices.
Although Google is trying to offer many of these functions with different programs, Microsoft has decided to put it all in one place.
As part of Bing update, users visiting click on directions and on the bus icon to see how to take the bus or other public transport to the destination.
After all, it would be reasonable to expect that the latest updates to Bing mobile will be available for users of Microsoft's operating system.
In addition, users will be able to click on the bus round for the real-time information on when a bus arrives.
Instead, the best Bing experience to be had only on smart phones that do not run WP7.The weaknesses in Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser on WP7 was shown yesterday when Microsoft suggested that Web developers should use a \if statement \to download CSS files to insure sites display properly on WP7 devices.
The real-time data is available for Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago and Los Angeles.
Microsoft has said it will release Internet Explorer 9 for WP7 later this year.
Google Maps on the iPhone displays the transport routes, but not necessarily real-time information about buses.
Until then, it recommends that users should not worry, as these updates will work well at the time.
When using the Bing to search, iPhone users can now get the results for the relevant iPhone apps in addition to the regular search results.
This is a great way to discover new fluke great programs, wrote Andy Chu, director of product management for Bing for Mobile, in a blog mail about the updates.
Microsoft has also made Image Search faster and smoother, and re-organized shopping feature Bing mobile browser app, he said.
When you search for movies, users will now find the results organised by time and the nearest theater, in addition to reviews, trailers and other information.
In addition, he said that when users enter a city name in the search box on the weather, the weather that the city look even before they finish writing the name.
Chu wrote that the updates were released today, but they do not seem to be yet available everywhere.
Follow Nancy on Twitter at @ idgnancy.
Nancy's e-mails address is Nancy_Gohring @ IDG.

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