Thursday, 7 April 2011

Microsoft warns against 'tinkering' with Windows Phone 7 update

Microsoft has released new figures for its Windows Phone Market Place is now open for business for one year.
New statistics show that Windows 7 Phone Marketplace now has 11,500 applications.
Microsoft reported that over 36,000 people and businesses reach their shape society Windows phone with another 1200 began each week.
The figures, released by Microsoft, also shows over 36 000 developers are registered on the platform, and between them, they have downloaded the Software Development Kit (SDK) more than 1.5 million times.
Windows Phone Marketplace lists today over 11 500 applications, of which 7500 is paid apps.
Microsoft claims around 1,200 new developers enter each week.
Based on conversations we have with some of our developers, many tell us that they see more revenue on our platform than competing platforms, despite the fact that we still can not match the large number of phones sold, Brian Watson wrote lately for Windows Phone Developer blog.
It's worth noting 44 percent of all programs have a trial, and the average Windows 7 Phone owner 1912 apps downloads per month.
Windows Marketplace of course is the Android Market with its 200K apps and Apple with its 300K apps.
For an idea of \u200b\u200bgrowth, in January 2011 there were just 6,000 apps on the Market Place.
But, with the new agreement Nokia and Windows work with Windows Phone / Nokia smartphones will be interesting to see what happens over the next 12 months.
From March 9 of that year, the number had hit 10,000.
It seems things are slowing up, but consider this.
Microsoft announced on 9 in March it had seen a million downloads of its SDK.
That would mean in less than a month half a million developers or curious consumers have decided to at least take a look, it means the app number is only set to rise.
O2 is the latest network to announce NoDo update, which adds the useful copy and paste function, and there are some good programs and games on the market already.
If you own or intend to own a Windows 7 Phone handset, our applications section is definitely worth a look.
Source: Mobile Entertainment.

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