If you are a Windows phone 7 user so these past few months must have been very frustrating for you, back in January posted we know about the ongoing confusion about the last WP7 update, follow this confusion we brought you news of software development makes unbranded handsets. If you are an AT&T customers who use a Windows 7 Phone device we may be able to give you a bit of good news for once about the phone, it seems that the latest NoDo WP7 software update may take device within the next few days of April 19 According to a mail from George Wong news of this official update comes courtesy of a leaked internal e-mails from AT&T, in this e-mail, it claims that customers will receive two updates, first to prepare the device ready for second NoDo update. This much-anticipated update will bring additional features and copy and paste which has been in high demand by customers since last year when Windows Phone 7 was released.
Although this update is promised to hit the phones in a few days we can not help but be a little skeptical, if you also share our concerns, you should cheque out this post from Winrumors.
In this post, they will guide you through how they managed to bypass the servers to receive NoDo update.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you think Microsoft has taken too long to roll out this update? You share your thoughts with us \\ u200b \\ u200bnedenfor.
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